The disaster of social media

Social media has been a disaster for the open web: it is responsible for most "soydevery" you see across the web today. From that one corpo artstyle everyone uses now, to the invasive and privacy violating adverising techniques. Although these may have existed before social media, social media has normalized signing away your moral rights so much that people have become numb to it.

Those who oppose these views are seen as "extremists" by the advertising industry. If that's the case, then I am proud to be one. Another thing social media is contributing to is corporate control over the entire internet.
With everyone posting to social media instead of their own websites, the company that owns the social media can censor you if they like. By hosting your own websites (either via neocities like this, via a VPS, or even a home server) you can help keep the web free.
Keep the web free and open, don't let the corporations control it.